Dates & Booking

Have a look here for upcoming courses and scroll down to make a booking. We will often put additional courses on subject to request, if you can’t see a date to suit then just drop us a line [email protected].

Course Duration Price P/P Price Private Course* Dates
RYA Powerboat Level One (max 3 people) Full Day £199.50 £569.50 On request.
RYA Powerboat Level Two (max 3 people) Two Days £339.50 £989.50 First weekend of the month & on request.
Own Boat Tuition - Half Day (max 4 people) Half Day n/a £269.50 On request.
Own Boat Tuition - Full Day (max 4 people) Full Day n/a £419.50 On request.
RYA VHF - Marine Radio SRC (max 6 people)** Full Day plus exam £144.50 £450 - £750 Second Saturday in June & November & on request.
RYA First Aid (max 6 people)** Full Day £144.50 £450 - £750 Second Saturday in October & on request.

All courses prices are including VAT

* Please note private courses are total price regardless of number of people on the course but you cannot exceed the maximum course capacity.

** The maximum capcity of our classroom based courses is due to the room size, if you would like in-house training then please get in touch and we may be able to provide a quote to come to you.

Unless booking a private course, a minimum of two students is required for all courses, we will endeavour to fill empty places but if you are the only candidate booked it may be necessary to change your booking or cancel.

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